Welcome middle and high school teens!
In partnership with Raleigh Parks Teen Zone we’re excited to offer a new series of programs that builds connections and fosters a fun supportive community for teens. Here’s what we have lined up:
Puppy Love Crafternoon
Puppy Love – Sunday, February 2
Spend a creative afternoon enjoying snacks while crafting special gifts for your loved ones!
Career Day
Sunday, February 16
Learn about future job opportunities, interview skills and creating a resume with reps NC State, Wake Tech and City of Raleigh!
Vintage Patch Crafternoon
Sunday, March 9
Add flair to a jacket, tote, or bookbag with a hand-made badge. We will learn the basics of stitching letters and finishing off the back so it's ready to be worn. Use one of Creative Camps' "Raleigh Awesome" patch kits or come up with a design of your own.
Outdoor Yoga
Saturday, April 26
Middle and highschool teens are invited to enjoy the nature and tranquility of Dix Park with outdoor yoga. All fitness levels welcome! Plan to bring a yoga mat, a towel and a filled water bottle.
Trace 'n Paint Crafternoon
Sunday, February 16
Learn to use graphite paper to transfer a printed image to a canvas panel, then paint it in acrylics. Use one of Creative Camps' intricate designs or come up with your own.
Raleigh Teen Connect Membership
In addition to registering through Eventbrite for each program, participation in all teen programming at Dix Park requires a FREE Raleigh Teen Connect Membership. The Raleigh Teen Connect Program gives teens (ages 12-18) access to current and upcoming City of Raleigh programs, facilities, events, amenities, and resources.
Sign up for your membership in advance through RecLink online. To sign up online, go to RecLink and click the green “Add to Cart” button. You will need to create an RecLink account or log on to your existing account. Dix Park will also have physical copies of the membership form available at each program. All members must get a signature from a parent or guardian over the age of 18.
Join us for fun, connection, creativity, and valuable experiences this winter. We can't wait to see you!

Contact Dix Park Staff at 919-996-3255 or events@dixpark.org